Thursday, October 22, 2009


Deep and irretrievable affliction. She drew from her pocket the letter which had been that morning flung into her apartment through an open window and the contents of which were as singular as the expression was violent and energetic. "If she would save a human being from. nexium 20mg Out on the floor still crouching but getting up speed; sprinting still bent low arms up to block anyone who might try to stop her; out through the door. Where instinct something some recollection took her right toward Oakland. And she didn't slow down until she felt it was safe to but by then she'd realized what the taste in Creedmore's mouth was: dancer and she wondered how much of that she'd taken on. Not much probably 148 35. ON AUTOMATIC but she could feel it in the pounding of her heart see it in a faint aura around every source of light now and know it in the fact that none of what had just happened actually bothered her very! much. Trouble could look abstract on dancer. Carson she thought was trouble and seeing the look on his face then a look she'd suspected she now thought but had never quite managed to catch there had made her scared of him. She'd been scared of him since the time he'd hit her but she hadn't understood it in quite the same way. He hadn't really hurt her much not physically when he'd hit her. She was coming from a place where she'd seen people maimed hurt really bad and this cute media boy who didn't even know how to punch how dangerous was that? But now she saw the residual drug in Creedmore's saliva having its effect that what she'd been afraid of wasn't that he'd hit her that time or the possibility he'd do it again but some instinctive underlying recognition that there was something wrong something way worse. That he was bad news and covered it up. Always more carefully even than he chose his clothes. And Tessa when Chevette had had the conversation with her that had r! esulted in her moving to Malibu had said that she envied men the inability to get it up when there was something wrong. Even if they don't consciously know Tessa said it won't happen. But we don't have that so something can be just as wrong as can be and we still stay. But you can't stay if he's hit you because he'll do it again. Walking on toward Treasure now the bridge gone spectral monochrome and maybe that was the dancer too she didn't know. "Out of control " she said. That was how she felt her life was now. She was just reacting to things. She stopped. Maybe she was just reacting to. sfefse55iccuewuw3uht4958je

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