Thursday, October 22, 2009

See my eyes to see me looking at them but these two fools are looking at my undershorts. "Ooooh and red " Pete says. "A sha-vinguh!" "I call them more of a wash pink " she replies. Hold him up.

Them by suddenly erupted again. Lightning belted through the sky and someone seemed to be pouring something which closely resembled the Atlantic Ocean over them through a sieve. Russell swore and steered intently for a few seconds as the sky. buy elavil That terrible chase up Third Avenue he too felt safe and at rest. He smoked and looked out across Tashmore Pond. Safe and at rest but not for the first time since New York City. For the first time since the Shop had come back into their lives on that terrible August day fourteen months ago. Since then they had either been running or hunkering down and either way there was no rest. He remembered talking to Quincey on the telephone with the smell of burned carpeting in his nostrils. He in Ohio Quincey out there in California which in his few letters he always called the Magic Earthquake Kingdom. Yes it's a good thing Quincey had said. Or they might put them in! two little rooms where they could work full-time to keep two hundred and twenty million Americans safe and free . . . . I bet they'd just want to take that child and put it in a little room and see if it could help make the world safe for democracy. And I think that's all I want to say old buddy except . . . keep your head down. He thought he had been scared then. He hadn't known what scared was. Scared was coming home and finding your wife dead with her fingernails pulled out. They had pulled out her nails to find out where Charlie was. Charlie had been spending two days and two nights at her friend Terri Dugan's house. A month or so later they had been planning to have Terri over to their house for a similar length of time. Vicky had called it the Great Swap of 1980. Now sitting on the deck and smoking Andy could reconstruct what had happened although then he had existed in nothing but a blur of grief and panic and rage: it had been the blindest good luck (or perhaps! a little more than luck) that had enabled him to catch up with them at all. They had been under surveillance the whole family. Must have been for some time. And when Charlie hadn't come home from summer daycamp that Wednesday afternoon and didn't show up on Thursday or Thursday evening either they must have decided that Andy and Vicky had tumbled to the surveillance. Instead of discovering that Charlie was doing no more than staying at a friend's house not two miles away they must have decided that they had taken their daughter and gone underground. It was a crazy stupid mistake but it hadn't been the first such on the Shop's part - according to an article Andy had read in Rolling Stone the Shop had been involved and heavily influential in precipitating a bloodbath over an airplane hijacking by Red Army terrorists (the hijack had been aborted - at the cost of sixty lives) in selling heroin to the Organization in return for information on. dwdw55655755zzxcxczeaegh5566

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