Thursday, October 22, 2009

Others and left them broken and stiffening. Already a dozen of the reds lay dying. The sand spider came on and on. It strode straight through the triple line of guardians before the castle. The lines.

The end - the battle against Ermanaric looks like touch and go. Given the conviction that Wodan is on their side the rebels may very well carry the day. " "What? Do you mean - -Oh Manse!" "They mustn't " he said. Agony surged higher still. "Why. lexapro 5mg This can be broadened by using a secant cutting off a segment with a curved plane-um I see that seems nonsensical. It's a plane running east-west but curved north-south or vice-versa; an effectively level band circling the inside of the bubble really a cylinder. That cylinder can vastly increase the area of gee within the bubble and all of the residential section of a city is on it. The heavy machinery is mostly below (i. e. farther from the center) occupying the region of gee-plus while the gee-minus region above is left for air and light. So if I were in a cell in such a city I would be normal weight only on that surface. In the upper section of a tall str! ucture (one reaching in toward the bubble-center) I would weigh less and down in the nether region I would weigh more. In a small bubble the divergence from gee is sharp; in a large one slight. But it is detectable for the human body is a finely tuned apparatus and quickly feels the effect of changed gee. I concluded that I was at or very near gee for my body felt normal in this respect despite my discomfort. I must have been here for several days at least for it was my own excrement that I squatted in. Each person's stink of refuse is different and I knew my own. I had had time to feel any divergence from the Earth norm and there seemed to be none. If the excrement was my own why had it so assaulted my nostrils as I woke? If I had been here for days my nose should have been numb long since as it was numbing now. Therefore I must have been away and then abruptly returned here-immediately after my memory-wash. Was that useful information? Perhaps not but I would file it fo! r reference. The residential level of a city is not a place for private incarceration. For one thing gee-level is expensive real estate-about a dollar per square foot per month. That's just for the area before charges for air water light and services. Very few individuals would care to waste such area on excrement. Also the smell if it got out would quickly attract the attention of a sanitation squad. And what if. dw6d8e467868t68zxvsdtg57758ghjvser

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