Thursday, October 22, 2009


Well it happened just so. When she was tuckered out and had to hold up he says quite ca'm: "And yet all the same Aunt Sally--" "Shet up!" she says "I don't want to hear another word out of you. ". zoloft 50mg It might be possible. It is true that your talents should not be wasted. ' 'You don't understand ' Wess said. 'I don't want to be a wizard. I wouldn't go back to Sanctuary if that were the reason. ' Lythande said finally 'That isn't the only reason. ' Wess took Lythande's hand between her own drew it to her lips and kissed the palm. Lythande reached up and caressed Wess's cheek. Wess shivered at the touch. 'Lythande I can't go back to Sanctuary. You would be the only reason I was there - and it would change me. It did change me. I don't know if I can go back to being the person I was before I came here but I'm going to try. Most of what I did learn there I would rather never have known. You must understa! nd me!' 'Yes ' Lythande said. 'It was not fair of me to ask. ' 'It isn't that I wouldn't love you ' Wess said and Lythande looked at her sharply. Wess took as deep a breath as she could and continued. 'But what I feel for you would change too as I changed. It wouldn't be love anymore. It would be . . . need and demand and envy. ' Lythande sat on a tree root shoulders slumped and stared at the ground. Wess knelt beside her and smoothed her hair back from her forehead. 'Lythande. . . ' 'Yes little sister ' the magician whispered as if she were too tired to speak aloud. 'You must have important work here. ' How could she bear it otherwise? Wess thought. She is going to laugh at you for what you ask her and explain how foolish it is and how impossible. 'And Kaimas my home. . . you would find it dull -' She stopped surprised at herself for her hesitation and her fear. 'You come with me Lythande ' she said abruptly. 'You come home with me. ' Lythande stared at her her ex! pression unreadable. 'Did you mean what you said ' 'It's so beautiful Lythande. And peaceful. You've met half my family already. You'd like the rest of them too! You said you had things to leam from us. ' '- about loving me?' Wess caught her breath. She leaned forward and kissed Lythande quickly then a second time slowly as she had wanted to since the moment she saw her. She drew back a little. 'Yes 'she said.. daw5daw5757uocienyuh84drtgr545

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